

Monday, August 22, 2011 It's a Lifestyle

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: was NOT conceived out of bitterness. Rather, it was derived from experience. There were a couple e-books that really helped me in times of need. From experience, I know that self-published e-books can often lead you to insider tips you're just not supposed to know.

To live the "Stickit2Man" lifestyle, you don't need to be hell-bent on revenge. You shouldn't live your life in perpetual anger. One does not need to be a therapist (like my dear friend Megan Cassano, LCSW, Ph.D) to know that's the path to misery. Instead, you should wake up every morning and ask yourself, "What could be better? How can I make it happen?" Then GET GOING!

But simultaneously, be grateful. Be very grateful. You are on a path to enlightenment. It will never end, but one day you will look back and say, "Wow." The fact that you are even trying to better yourself puts you above many people who just stick with the status quo and are too scared for a better life. You are different. You are empowered.

Don't waste a single day. But if you do, forgive yourself and move on. Remember, The Man works hard to keep you down. So keep getting up and rising above. Fight the good fight, my friend. Peace.


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