

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Glass Half-Full

Designing and running an e-book and e-commerce Web site like -- well, let's just say I wouldn't call it a labor of love. "Labor of a curmudgeon" might be more like it. Many nights I've been coaxed by my fiancee out of a good night's sleep to work on this site. But I've thanked her for doing so. Without her nagging, I'd still be building -- or, worse, I'd have quit. If you know my career path even slightly, you'll understand why I've chosen this line of work. I want to combine all the skills I've ever acquired (PR, marketing, journalism, creative writing) and put them to good use. And I never want to work for anyone other than myself ever again. But that doesn't mean I don't ever doubt myself or hit standstills.

For starters, I have horrible ADD. Diagnosed at age 5, raised on every amphetamine, SSRI and anti-depressant imaginable. The best analogy I've heard is that it's like having a "radio station" in your head with a moving dial you can't stop. And even today, with a good sense of motivation and a little discipline, my distractions are plentiful. Especially in the age of YouTube and Facebook -- hey, I need entertainment sometimes! Sometimes I just have to encourage myself with a motto stolen from a Verizon ad campaign several years ago: Make progress every day.

That's actually the message of empowerment I want to pass along on The phrase "Stick it to the Man" isn't intended to be vengeful or angry. It's meant to convey a simple message: "You're a lot more empowered than you think. You can change your life -- or at least the parts you don't like. You just need a few tools." In this case, they come in e-books!

If you haven't done anything else today, do something to better yourself. And then do something unselfish for others. Even if your life isn't perfect, these actions should help your attitude adjust to one of "glass half-full." Self-esteem derives from doing esteemable things. Believe me, I know.

That's all for now. Till next time: "Surf the site. Live the life."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post!! I think that we could all stand to become a bit more empowered in our daily lives. This post reminds me of one of my favorite sayings: "Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty". I needed this today. Thanks for that!
